South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs is reportedly engaging in a surprise door to door search for undocumented immigrants who are residing in the country illegally.

A notice at Ponte City which is a skyscraper in the Berea neighbourhood, just next to Hillbrow, Johannesburg, informed all tenants that Home Affairs officials will be visiting the flat at an undisclosed date.

The notice reads: We have been informed that the Department of Home Affairs will be coming to Ponte to inspect all tenant documentation in the near future. We have not been advised of an exact date.

Please ensure all your documents and those of your subtenants are up to date and valid.

The surprise raids are meant to arrest illegal immigrants who the local South African are accusing of hijacking buildings, committing crime and trading in illicit drugs.

The search come at a time when the President of South Africa Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa warned illegal immigrants that the government is coming after them and all those who do not have permits but are operating businesses illegally.
