Former military intelligence officer Never Maswerasei has made sensational claims that ZANU PF Politburo member retired army general Engelbert Rugeje has survived an assassination attempt.

“Last Wednesday, Retired Lieutenant General Rugeje survived yet another accident when his vehicle’s tyre nuts were loosened.

“He was saved by some rocks which blocked the car when it veered off the road. Rugeje was driving to Groombridge Shopping Centre.

“This is the 4th assassination attempt on the retired General who is now a ZANU PF Political Bureau member.

“He would have been the 1st of the second set of 5 serving and retired generals that are targeted for death.

“I previously mentioned that in Oct, we may have 2 at Heroes Acre,” he said.

It is reported Rugeje has survived a couple of attempts since the overthrow of late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe in 2017.

Rugeje, a key ally of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, played a pivotal role in the 2017 coup that led to the ousting of long-time ruler Mugabe.

At the time, Rugeje was part of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) leadership, which orchestrated Operation Restore Legacy, a military intervention aimed at removing Mugabe from power and installing Emmerson Mnangagwa as president.

Rugeje’s military background made him a central figure in the coup’s execution.
