soldier apprehended, got a thorough beating from civilians

3 soldiers were today beaten up in Harare (Nkwame & Angwa) after they assaulted a vendor for wearing a t-shirt with Nelson Chamisa’s face.

MDC-T activist Patson Dzamara was caught in in the fracas.

He sustained injuries to his face.

Below is Dzamara’s description of the events:

I witnessed a worrying incident 15 mins ago. I parked near Nkwame & Angwa. While I was talking to someone, I saw civilians chasing 3 soldiers. I asked what was happening and was told the soldiers had beaten a vendor for wearing a T-shirt with Chamisa’s face.

So they were retaliating. Of the three soldiers, one was unlucky. He was apprehended & got a thorough beating from the civilians. The other 2 managed to run away. While they were running away, the journalist in me leaped out. I tried to record this video but it’s not clear but.

While I was trying to film the incident, I found myself on the ground. I too was beaten. I have a swollen eye and I sustained an injury on my hand which I hope is minor. These were civilians not MDC youths. Most MDC supporters know me & they wouldn’t have beaten me.

This is a clear attestation of the fact that Zimbabwe is standing on the brink of a social and political precipice. I never thought that a day would come when I would witness civilians beating soldiers. Our nation needs social re-engineering and healing.

Of course, there are some who will conclude I am lying. I saw a man who is running for a council seat on a ZANU – PF ticket in Uzumba. He too witnessed this incident. His name is Fagio Marowa. He can confirm this.