TRYSON Chimbetu has hailed his cousin Suluman for helping him fight his drug addiction and unbecoming behaviour during rehabilitation.

He said Suluman was “heaven sent” after the Orchestra Dendera Kings boss fought in his corner at a time he was a nuisance.

Tryson also apologised to Suluman, family members and neighbours for disturbing their peace when he was fighting drug and alcohol abuse.

In an interview with H-Metro on the sidelines of Suluman’s family show held at LongCheng Plaza on Sunday night,  Tryson begged for forgiveness.

“I feel I am now in a better condition after weeks of rehabilitation, which was facilitated by my brother Suluman and family.

“I was a nuisance at some point, which required me to get serious help in the form of rehabilitation.

“Rehabilitation helped me a lot and I feel I am now a better person,” he said.

Tryson  apologised to the people he wronged at a time when he was a nuisance.

“I’m really sorry to all the people I wronged including my brother here Suluman, my mother and  neighbours in the ghetto.

“I am very ashamed to have dragged my family name in the mud when I accused my family members of bewitching me.

“I have realised my error and I don’t want to repeat it again.”

Tryson wants people to embrace him as the singer is set to revive his career.

“A lot has happened at a time when I started to fight my demons (drug abuse) but I want people to embrace me and accept me like they used to do before.

“I have learnt a lot when I was getting this therapy that it’s never too late to repent.

“What I want now is a new environment where I can start afresh and do my own things away from toxic people.

“I don’t want a relapse of the same problems and I am avoiding toxic situations as well as drugs,” he said.

His cousin Suluman  has pledged to continue supporting him.

“Tryson has always been my brother and I will do my best to help him and the family.

“There are also some of the areas where I need his help as brothers.

“Now that he has been discharged, I want him to stay away from drugs even if it means I find him a new place to stay.

“I want him to fully concentrate on his recovery as well as reviving his career.

“I have also advised him to stop consulting self-styled prophets who are causing divisions in the family.

“Some of these fake prophets will certainly tell you what you want to hear in the form of lies,” he said.

Suluman  believes Tryson has learnt a lot during his time in rehabilitation.

“It was hard to take him for rehabilitation, but I am glad that it has helped him a lot.

“I enjoy seeing him smiling and sharing jokes with me here.

“This was the way we were brought up by our elders,” he said.

Tryson joined Suluman on stage and played a couple of songs.
