By Kelvin Kasiwulaya
Amidst allegations that Prophet Walter Magaya of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries (PHD) forced Zimbabwe national team players to attend his church service threatening to withdraw his financial support from the team, the Minister of Sport and Recreation has today (Wednesday) been tasked by parliament to investigate the issue.

The matter rose during the questions without notice parliamentary session when Gokwe Nembudziya Member of Parliament Justice Mayor Wadyajena questioned Magaya’s motive in sponsoring the warriors team as he is coercing the team’s staff to attend his church services.

“There are allegations that Magaya forced Zimbabwean warriors coach Norman Mapeza to attend his church service, it is alleged that Magaya threatened to withdraw his financial support from the team, what is government policy on this issue,” Asked Honourable Wadyajena.

In his response the Minister of sports and recreation, Honourable Makhosini Hlongwane argued that every Zimbabwean has a right to choose his or her own religion and the right is enshrined in the supreme law of the land.

Asking on the same platform Member of Parliament for Norton Hon Themba Mliswa quizzed the Minister of Sport on the government policy concerning the sponsorship of the warriors, since the team has been handed from donor to donor.

“What is government policy on the sponsorship of the Zimbabwe National Team… we have seen recently the team being sponsored by prominent business mogul Wicknell Chivayo who later allegedly took back the phones he had given to the warriors, there are also allegations the Chivayo took back the  car that he  had been given to Callisto Pasuwa.
“As we speak the national team is now being sponsored by Magaya, what guarantee do we have that he will not behave in the same way that Chivayo did and send away the warriors from his hotel,” asked Hon Mliswa with a concerned voice.

“Responding to the question Hon Hlongwane said the government has the mandate to sponsor the national team and he would look into the contractual agreement that the Zimbabwe Football Association ZIFA has with Magaya
The government should sponsor the national team. But due to the economic situation we cannot deny help from the corporate world.
“On the issue of Magaya sponsoring the team I will check with ZIFA on the contract that they have with him,” answered Hlongwane.