President Emmerson Mnangagwa has sent condolences message to the families of those who died in the accident while happened in Chimanimani last night.

Below is his full statement:

I received with a deep sense of shock and horror tragic news of a bus disaster last night in Chimanimani in which 35 souls have perished so far, with several sustaining injuries, some of them life-threatening.

That this bloody traffic accident took place on the eve of both our Easter and Independence Holidays when there is increased movement across the country, adds to my anxiety.

The dead and injured were members of the Zion Christian Church, ZCC, who looked forward to an incident-free fellowship with their brethren in commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ.

Today the Zion Christian Church, bereaved families and our Nation at large are in deep mourning. It is a very inauspicious beginning to what should have been both a solemn religious break and a joyous celebration of our National Day.

On behalf of the Government, our entire Nation and indeed on my behalf, I wish to express my deepest, heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost their beloved ones in this bus disaster, while praying for God’s healing and soothing hand over all those nursing various injuries from the accident.

To Bishop Mutendi and ZCC congregants, I tender my heartfelt sympathies, urging them to remain strong and steadfast in faith and fellowship.

In the wake of the tragic traffic mishap, I have since directed Government to declare this accident a National Disaster thus paving way for the mobilisation of resources and assistance in support of the affected families and communities.

This action places all the costs related to funerals, and to the care of the injured on the Government.

As we mourn and pray for all those who have perished in this bus disaster, let us all exercise extreme care and caution as we travel to various destinations over this festive period.

This bus disaster is bad enough for us already; we do not need to make the holiday any bloodier through sheer recklessness on our roads.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police will be out in full force to act against anyone breaking traffic rules, in the process endangering themselves and innocent road users.

ED Mnangagwa (Dr) PRESIDENT