Outgoing US President Donald Trump is in the news following his “Thank you, a great honor!” message to a little known AfricaWorld newspaper after it published an article praising his leadership and Presidency and saying that his less popular toilet-hole twit about Africa was an understatement.

Trump who is going through his own political storms took time to thank a Nigerian writer who says “despite his shortcomings, the US President really cared for his people and country something which is alien to greedy African leaders.”

The report said in fact President Trump’s sh!thole comment was an understatement of the real African tragedy.. Africa is a place where political power is used to promote bigotry, nepotism, tribalism, and corruption. It is also used to cause religious and ethnic wars. Nigeria for example is an abattoir for Christians and Indigenous people in the hands of Fulani powered terror groups. As if it is not enough, Africa is where people die from poverty in the midst of plenty. When basic amenities like electricity and housing are luxury, and infrastructure nonexistent, it is a shithole place. What do we say about thousands that die on the Mediterranean and deserts trying to flee poverty, dictatorships and war?
Our leaders are just interested in staying in office without achieving anything. Look at Uganda’s three decades dictator, President Yoweri Museveni who has been making headlines all for his brutality against dissent. Given Africa’s failed politics, government thieving, dictatorship, accepted poverty and brain drain, Trump’s statement is a wakeup call for idiotic leaders in the continent.


Below is the unedited post that got thumbs up from Mr Trump written by Ukachukwu Okorie:

On January 20, 2017 when President Donald J Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America by Chief Justice John Roberts, many would not have imagined the current global situation. In his inaugural speech, President Trump said he would ensure Americans are placed above politics. “What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people,” he said. Continuing, “January 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again,” he added. President Trump took the oath of office placing his hand on the Bible that was used at Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration and his own family Bible, which was presented to him by his mother in 1955 when he graduated from Sunday school at his family’s Presbyterian church.
Donald J Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York to Frederick Trump and Mary MacLeod. Donald was the fourth of five children. Starting from late 1920s, Frederick Trump erected hundreds of single family homes in the Queens and Brooklyn boroughs of New York City. From late 1940s, Fred also built units of apartments, mostly in Brooklyn with federal loans, designed to stimulate affordable housing. He also constructed housing for naval personnel and shipyard workers in Virginia and Pennsylvania with government support. His son, Donald would later follow his father’s steps in real estate development. Like most US presidents, Trump identifies as a Protestant. He was raised Presbyterian by his mother Mary.
At 13, his parents sent him to New York Military Academy for discipline and positive energy. He shone brightly at the academy, getting a nickname DT, and he was a big name in College. DT was academically and socially good, rising to become a star athlete and student leader. He graduated in 1964. Donald Trump got admitted into Fordham University in 1964. He transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania two years later and graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.
Hardworking and Successful
It is important to know that President Trump was assertive as a kid. His hardworking nature started early: He was the Captain of his College baseball team and a builder like his father Fred. Even while in school, he still worked in his father real estate projects. Though son of a rich man, he learnt the art of hard work. His wisdom in business helped him succeed in many entrepreneurial fields. He sees success where other does not. The Trump organisation, which runs multitude of companies, says much about his conquest in business, with interests in properties, media, hospitality and more.
Donald Trump as 45th president of the United States is probably the toughest of his challenges. What strikes us more is his practical approach to issues affecting humanity especially Africa. In September, 2017 when he parleyed with leaders of nine African countries, President Trump spelt out his foreign policy on the continent. He recognised six African countries as among ten fastest growing economies. Among the key points he mentioned include shared prosperity, security, peace and health. He even went as far as telling the African leaders about their efforts despite obstacles. It was a simple and candid talk from a Western leader.
Many criticize President Trump about his tweets, but he is a courageous leader who says or takes issues head-on. At the start of his first tenure, he frowned at an America that had failed many of its citizens. He described the hopelessness of families trapped in poverty, an ineffective education system, and crime, drugs and gangs. And to shame his critics, over four million jobs within two years, and minorities especially African migrants benefited.
Fearless Leader

Many called him an isolationist, but the fact is President Trump is just against global governance. He has shown his mettle in ways the Trump presidency built back the US before the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. So unconventional, perhaps that is why his critics have sleepless nights. Before the United Nations General Assembly, he said
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, and I honour the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs and traditions.” It was truly unimaginable for a US president to make such comment.
From early days of his most criticized presidency, Mr. Trump has promoted International Independence and cooperation over global governance. Through his September 25, 2018, UN speech, the U.S. leader made his stance on global governance even clearer: “The United States will not tell you how to live, work, or worship. We only ask that you honour our sovereignty in return,” Mr Trump said from his remarks. This remark was remarkable in the UN coming from a US president.

President Trump’s foreign policy is not found peddling colonialism and planting neo-colonialists. He has gone in history as the White House occupant who never waged any war and as a leader who wanted Africa to develop at its own pace.


He changed the immigration policy stopping Africans from leaving their mismanaged countries for greener pastures. Together with the famous ‘shithole’ comment, triggered the anti-Trump discourse among bloody African thieves disguised as political leaders.
In fact President Trump’s shithole comment was an understatement of the real African tragedy. Africa is a place where political power is used to promote bigotry, nepotism, tribalism, and corruption. It is also used to cause religious and ethnic wars. Nigeria for example is an abattoir for Christians and Indigenous people in the hands of Fulani powered terror groups. As if it is not enough, Africa is where people die from poverty in the midst of plenty. When basic amenities like electricity and housing are luxury, and infrastructure nonexistent, it is a shithole place. What do we say about thousands that die on the Mediterranean and deserts trying to flee poverty, dictatorships and war?
Our leaders are just interested in staying in office without achieving anything. Look at Uganda’s three decades dictator, President Yoweri Museveni who has been making headlines all for his brutality against dissent. Given Africa’s failed politics, government thieving, dictatorship, accepted poverty and brain drain, Trump’s statement is a wakeup call for idiotic leaders in the continent

Many African countries are grappling with the huge debt burden contracted from China all because of inept political leadership. Take Zambia for example, a country held in the jugular economically with worst political leadership that knows nothing except suppressing progressive citizens. President Trump has shown the capacity to practically act in the interest of the people whereas his predecessors operate a foreign policy that is hypocritical on Africa.
Former Nigerian leader, Goodluck Jonathan stated how Barack Obama interfered in his administration causing his loss. A look at Libya today upsets Africans, and President Trump never waged war or caused one.

Supremacy of God

A great appeal for us in AfricaWorld Newspaper is the greatest reason, because it is at the centre of our existence. President Donald Trump recognises God as the Supreme and King of Kings, and has shown practical steps to guarantee freedom of worship. We love God and believe in him


President Donald J Trump is married to Melanie, and has five children: Donald Trump Jr., born in 1977, Ivanka Trump, born in 1981, and Eric Trump, born in 1984. President Trump’s second daughter Tiffany was born in 1993, and the youngest child, Barron William was born in March 2006.


Ukachukwu Okorie is the editor-in-chief