Charles Mabhena

Opposition parties in Zimbabwe are setting themselves ready for the 2018 elections harmonized general elections.

A flurry of activities has begun as parties engaging the electorate in various forms in their quest to convince them to vote their parties into power after the 2018 poll.

Parties like the Movement for Democratic Change-Morgan Tsvangirai MDC-TC have been on a nationwide trail assessing and gauging whether an alliance with the beleaguered  Joyce Mujuru party Zimbabwe People First (ZPF) may  work in a bid to oust Robert Mugabe who has been power since Zimbabwe attained independence from the Rhodesian white led regime in 1980.

ZANU-PF which has been battling to diffuse the internal succession fights has mooted star rallies that saw the first lady and women’s league leader Grace Mugabe leading the pack in addressing the bulk of the gatherings, with a rally in Buhera.

Zimbabwe First party has already launched a salient one to one and township campaign around the country to mobilise potential voters to go and register to vote.

The Christian led opposition party, Transform Zimbabwe has embarked on the meet the people campaign using clean- up campaigns nationwide.

People wait to see how the Coalition for Democrats (CODE), perhaps the biggest political movement emerging in Zimbabwe’s political scene, with the nine political parties, would engage the electorate.

CODE comprises of the Movement for Democratic Change Welshman Ncube, Mavambo Kusile Dawn Simba Makoni, DARE Gilbert Dzikiti, ZUNDE Farai Mbira, PDZ Barbara Nagomo, Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe Elton Mangoma, Zimbabwe African People Union Dumiso Dabengwa, Zimbabwe First Maxwell Shumba, Peoples Democratic Party Tendai Biti, and is yet to unveil its campaign strategy.

It was established in May 2016, with the appending of the first signatures as a commitment for a united voice and action against the stubborn Mugabe led ZANU PF.

Farai Mbira the CODE chairperson, views the signing of the three parties to the code is a remarkable achievement in the history of post-Independence.

“We want to assure Zimbabweans that we have accepted their wish for a united front. We will consult with every stakeholder including civic society in defining the Zimbabwe we want,” said Ndira.

An academic and social commentator Teddy Mungwari and says a grand coalition will be the most feasible alternative for changing the political scene in Zimbabwe.”The emergence of one opposition force against ZANU-PF poses a serious challenge threat,” he said.

Currently 25 political parties are registered with the Zimbabwe electoral body Zimbabwe Elections Commission (ZEC).