Many people in Kuwadzana Extension know Mukadzi anonzi Morelife she must be arrested for selling drugs to our kids…Chalton Hwende

CCC MP Charlton Hwende was summoned to the police today (15 Feb) and charged with contravening section 164 (C) of the Cyber Security and Data Protection Act. It was alleged that one Morelife Mago filed a complaint against Hwende after he posted on Twitter that someone called Morelife was into drug peddling. One Morelife Mago then reported Hwende to the police for causing her psychological pain. Hwende’s lawyer, Darlington Marange of the @ZimHRNGOForum , demanded protection of the MP as a whistle-blower & for the police to fully probe the complainant.

Today accompanied by some concerned parents and citizens in Kuwadzana and my Lawyer deployed by @ZimHRNGOForum I met police officers at Kuwadzana Police Station who are investigating a case against me by a woman called Morelife .