BREAKING: Nguema holds secret meeting with Mugabe,..Plot to oust ED Mnangagwa?

BREAKING: Nguema holds secret meeting with Mugabe,..Plot to oust ED Mnangagwa?

President Nguema was bank rolling Mugabe’s come back through a number of elaborate plans to get Mnangagwa out of power

HARARE: Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has paid a one and half hour visit to his former counterpart Mr Robert Mugabe at his blue roof private residence in Borrowdale where the media was not allowed in.

The visiting Equatorial Guinea leader then met President Emmerson Mnangagwa for the second time this morning at State House.

President Nguema’s motorcade arrives at Mugabe’s Blue Roof redidence

Sources reported ahead of his visit that the west African hardman was expected to hold “a secret meeting” with his longtime friend Mugabe.

The reports quoted “high level security sources”, who claimed that Nguema was bank rolling Mugabe’s come back through a number of elaborate plans to get Mnangagwa out of power.

Nguema has ruled Equatorial Guinea since 1979 and has survived a number of coups against his regime, with the latest being a coup attempt by Simon Mann in 2004.

Mann and at least 64 men were arrested by Mugabe’s secret police after landing in Harare to collect weapons that would have been used to carry out the failed coup in the west African country, the report said.

The report quoted an unnamed source at the foreign affairs ministry as saying. “The main purpose of Nguema’s visit is to see his ally Robert Mugabe.”