A hostile Zanu PF faction believed to be fronted by former Presidential Advisor Mr Chris Mutsvanga has mobilised ZANU PF youths to a stage a demonstration against fuel guru Kuda Tagwirei(Queen B) on Thursday at the ongoing ZANU PF Conference in Esigodini Matabeleland South.

Sources close to the happenings have informed us that security is on high alert to thwart the  planned demonstration against millionaire Tagwirei of Sakunda.

Tagwirei is also at loggerheads with top Mnangagwa ally and Gokwe Nembudziya member of parliament Mayor Justice Wadyajena who dragged Tagwirei to court over a botched business deal last year.

Zanu PF sources say Wadyajena is supporting the planned protests.

Tagwirei is a very close ally and business associate of VP Chiwenga according to various reports.