Patson Dzamara brother to Itai and an unidentified woman staged demonstrations right in front of Mugabe, his army, police and CIO agents.

Dzamara’s protest demo was for his brother who was abducted and disappeared after being taken by suspected CIO operatives while in a barber shop in Harare.

The unknown woman who also shocked state security and Mugabe’s bodyguards was demonstrating and demanding $15 billion from President Mugabe during independence day celebrations yesterday, 18 April.

Dzamara was beaten and restrained to the ground by CIOs when he approached near President Mugabe’s area. Dzamara was left with injuries and had to to taken to a private hospital after being arrested.

Reporters are yet to know the identity of the woman who was manhandled and pressed to the ground after charging towards Mugabe demanding her share of the missing $15 billion.

“You think I am mad? I am not mad. What makes you think I am mad? Why do you stop me? I could have followed the President for my share of the $15 billion. I am hungry,” the protesting woman shouted at Mugabe as he was walking back to the stage.

pictures of woman beaten arrested at independence day by mugabe cio






