John Mahlabera(36) a Chiredzi prison officer who made headlines after he was fired for undermining ED Mnangagwa by saying “Nelson Chamisa is my President” made another bold statement by appearing at Tshovani Stadium in Chiredzi where he stood side by side with his icon at the MDC Alliance rally today.

Mahlabera who is facing trial on the 12th of June is at odds with authorities after he posted an online message declaring that his president is Nelson Chamisa of MDC-T, not Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zanu-PF.

ED Mnangagwa is the Commander-in-Chief of Zimbabwe’s Armed Forces

The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services(ZPCS) is charging him for undermining the authority of president Mnangagwa.

According to ZPCS, Mahlabera allegedly posted a message on micro blogging site Twitter, which reads; “Come to Chiredzi my president”.

Thousands listen to Chamisa at Chiredzi rally, Sunday, 10th of June

The ZPCS said Mahlabera posted this message after an MDC-T party rally that was held at Jerera Growth Point in Zaka in Masvingo province, which was addressed by opposition party leader Nelson Chamisa.

ZPCS said by posting such a message on Twitter, Mahlabera showed loyalty to Chamisa and disloyalty to President Mnangagwa.

Four witnesses will testify against Mr Mahlabera. zwnews