Final list of 2018 election presidential candidates

Twenty three candidates have successfully filed their nomination papers at the High Court in the capital to contest in the race for presidency in the 2018 harmonised polls scheduled for the 30th of July 2018.

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Commissioner Qhubani Moyo said the nomination process went on well throughout the country’s 10 provinces.

Some of the Presidential candidates who have successfully filed their papers are:

Amrose Mutinhiri

Nelson Chamisa
Noah Manyika
Violet Mariyacha
Emmerson Mnangagwa
Joice Mujuru
Thokozani Khupe
Nkosana Moyo
Joseph Busha
Peter Munyanduri
Daniel Shumba
Ambrose Mutinhiri
Langton Toungana
Elton Mangoma
Timothy Chiguvare
Evaristo Chikanga
Divine Hove
Taurai Mteki
Maxwell Shumba
Peter Gava
Lovemore Madhuku

Harry Wilson

Melbah Dzapasi

Full list on image below: