Image: TimesLive

Members of Operation Dudula, a South African anti-foreigner, anti-illegal immigration group, on Monday demonstrated outside the Pretoria High Court, opposing the Zimbabwe exemption permit (ZEP) extension.

They sang and marched outside the high court leading to the closure of a section of Madiba Street.

TimesLive quoted national deputy chairperson of Operation Dudula Dan Radebe as saying:

“We are here to demonstrate our dissatisfaction with the extensions of ZEPs because the moment you extend it for another six months, it means you are saying to South Africans, they have become accustomed to poverty, so they can hold on for another six months, while these foreigners take South African jobs and things like that.

“We are here to demonstrate to the court that we are not happy with the extension of the ZEP, and this is not limited to the ZEP. Today is also about us applying to be part of the proceedings.”

Some South Africans have been protesting against foreigners alleging that they are taking jobs away from them.

In some cases foreigners have been killed and burnt alive in xenophobic attacks.