A 23-year-old trainee nurse based at Mashoko Mission Hospital who was just two months away from his graduation has been arrested for allegedly raping an 89-year-old patient who was under his care.
Costa Madzvamuse (23) was refused bail by Justice Neville Wamambo at Masvingo High Court on Monday. Madzvamuse is represented by Omen Mafa of Mutendi, Mudisi and Shumba Legal Practitioners.
The incident happened on September 24 to 25 at around 4pm, when Madzvamuse was on duty and was responsible for care and monitoring of the complainant who was in the isolation ward.
Police documents in the hands of The Mirror indicate that Madzvamuse was not only positively identified by the complainant, but the State will produce further evidence that he was spotted by another nurse committing the crime.
The State will also produce evidence to the effect that a medical examination on the complainant’s genitals showed fresh bruises consistent with rape.
Documents in the hands of The Mirror C.R.B number 506/19 indicate that Madzvamuse was attending the patient on September 24 and 25, 2019 who was admitted in an isolation ward at Mashoko.
Madzvamuse allegedly closed the doors and windows of the ward and proceeded to the granny’s bed. He allegedly lifted the patient’s dress, dropped his trousers to the knee level and raped the complainant.
He was arrested on September 28, 2019.