Prominent United Kingdom based Zimbabwean lawyer Brighton Mutebuka says freedom will come from the collective will of millions of Zimbabweans only if they dare to lose their fear.

Posting on his X handle, Mutebuka said neither veteran investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono nor popular politician Nelson Chamisa will free Zimbabweans.

“Freedom will come from the collective will of millions of Zimbabweans only if they dare to lose their fear.

“ED’s task is to keep that fear in place to render it impossible to even contemplate the idea!

“He does that through plucking off the few that try to challenge him & vanquishing them one by one,” he said.

Mutebuka points out that in the 44 years he has been an Apex Predator on Zim’s political landscape, he has mastered the fear & tolerance threshold of Zimbabweans.

“He knows what triggers them & what doesn’t. That’s why it’s naive & foolish to seek to protest individually, regardless of this being a Constitutionally protected right.

“To ED, protests alarm him because they create a risk of a catastrophic loss of power.

“A protestor is an enemy & must be ruthlessly crushed to discourage a contagion effect,” he added.