Image credit: Alex Magaisa

Recently, a Chinese company prospecting for coal in Dinde, Hwange rural district, made news for the wrong reasons after being accused of defiling a local sacred place, containing graves as it pressed ahead with its controversial drilling operations despite resistance from the locals.

In 2019, the government gave Beifa Investments (Pvt) Limited a permit to carry our operations, but has been facing strong resistance from villagers who fear the inevitable establishment of a coal mine will displace some 600 families and disrupt their normal lives.

However, ZANU PF says it backs the Chinese company on the move, saying the government’s position is very clear on the matter.

“The Party’s Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu has reiterated Gvt’s position that no one should be allowed to disturb nor disrupt ongoing investment programs in Dinde areas,” posted the ruling party on its official Twitter handle.

Meanwhile, a prominent human rights lawyer, Alex Magaisa has bemoaned the move, saying he has penned an article looking at the plight of the Dinde Community in Hwange, which is under siege from a Chinese mining exploration company that is drilling at the sacred grounds of its village cemetery.

He also pointed out how the story has led him to appreciate the beauty of Zimbabwe, some of which is now under siege from selfish exploiters.

“The story of the Dinde Community whose way of life is facing disruption from a Chinese mining exploration company Beifa Investments has led me to the heart of the local Nambya community & I’m learning new things including the beautiful language, culture & history of the people,” he said.
