Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa says he will miss the ‘regular catch up calls’ from  the late respected Zimbabwean academic and legal expert Alex Magaisa.

The late Dr Magaisa succumbed to cardiac arrest in the United Kingdom where he was based.

While captioning a picture of Magaisa and himself in the CCC presidential office this Tuesday morning, Chamisa revealed that they used to call each other ‘Wangu’ with the late venerated law expert.

“Dr ALEX TAWANDA MAGAISA my brother,” Chamisa tweeted.

He added:

“That last physical meeting in my office. The last time you visited Zimbabwe ‘Wangu’ as you would say. I miss those regular ‘catch up’ calls already. Life is just a puzzle!!”

The deceased was at one time the official legal advisor to the late founding president of the opposition MDC party, Morgan Tsvangirai.
