Former ZANU-PF Youths leader Godfrey Tsenengamu says if Citizens Coalition for Change CCC president Nelson Chamisa work together with exiled ex ZANU-PF heavyweight and minister Saviour Kasukuwere Zimbabwe can prosper.

Speaking in an interview on OpenparlyZw, Tsenengamu a top ally of President Emmerson Mnangagwa said:

“Nelson Chamisa and Saviour Kasukuwere can deliver Zimbabwe from its problems.”

He went on to urge Kasukuwere to return home saying his home Province Mashonaland Central is crying for him:

“Vana veMashonaland Central varikuti vaKasukuwere dzoka kumba.”

Tsenengamu was instrumental in President Mnangagwa’s ascendancy to the throne.

During the Generation 40, Team Lacoste war, Tsenengamu was one such person who publicly professed his allegiance to Mnangagwa.

This saw him suffer in the hands of state security agents sent by late former President Robert Mugabe’s regime.

Apparently, he later fell from grace with Mnangagwa and his new administration and launched his own party, Economic Freedom Fighters.
