Former Foreign Affairs minister Walter Mzembi says any dialogue to solve Zimbabwe’s challenges need to include the military.

He says a dialogue without the army will not yield anything.

“The Truth shall set the people free. A Zimbabwe National Dialogue initiative that does not include the Army is an absolute waste of time.

“We still have a Remnant of the November 2017 Command Element that should help in this much sought after Reset otherwise in a few more years it shall be impossible to engage the same Army whose Command Element would have changed completely and subordinated to dynastic politics.

“Lets Reset a prosperous and inclusive future Zimbabwe for ALL now , tomorrow may be too late. We can do it,” he says.

Renowned political analyst Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya says:

“The military industrial complex is the decisive power bloc in both party (Zanu PF) and state succession politics in Zimbabwe.”

Australia based Zimbabwean Susan Mutami who was once said to be late Army Chief Sibusiso Moyo’s girlfriend says.

“I once tried to tell everyone that they needed to engage the military and I was called a mad woman by people who believe in elections.”
