
A woman who had been dragged to court by her husband for gender based violence, pulled a shocker when she told Gweru Magistrate Thomas Gorejena that she could not accord her 70- year-old husbund conjugal privileges since he uses tablets to power his manh00d and he also bleeded during the act.

Winter Zinhanzva (70) (Pictured)  indulged the  courts seeking a Protection Oder against Esnath Mutakata’ (40) accusing her of beating and denying him his marital benefits.

Zinhanzva said he has been physically assaulted and verbally abused, hence left with no other option but to seek the court’s protection.

“This woman in front of you my Lord has been denying me se_xual intercourse with her for years now and I am only intimate with my first wife who stays in Lalapanzi. If I want to romance or even start kissing her, she insults and beats me up.

“I came here to seek a protection order against my second wife because she always beats me up, tears my clothes, damages our property and has a tendency of provoking me so that she reports me to the police for domestic violence.

All hell broke loose when the court gave  Mutaka  a  chance to tell her own side of the story .

“He behaves like a mentally challenged person because at one point he locked me in the house and I made a police report at Nehanda Police Station. I never assaulted him and cannot have s-exual intercourse with a person without t-esticles because there will be nothing happening between us.

This man uses tablets which cause him to bleed and can’t have s-ex with him under that condition,” fumed Mutakata.