New details on the circumstances surrounding the death of venerated late cleric and Johanne Masowe apostolic church leader, Mutumwa St Noah Taguta have emerged, including that leaders at his chapel concealed the body of the man-of-the-cloth for three days, trying to resurrect him.

These stunning revelations come after one online publication spoke to family members of the late Noah Taguta- an outspoken polygyny who is survived by 25 wives and 120 children.

Official reports insinuated that Taguta had breathed his last on Sunday at the age of 82, but as New Zimbabwe reported, the late octogenarian actually died on Thursday last week.

Speaking to the publication, Taguta family members accused the Johanne Masowe church leaders of having concealed the late High Priest’s body, and concurrently hiding his death, while desperately trying to resurrect their leader from the dead.

It is further reported that the church leaders also chased Taguta’s sons from where they were trying to resurrect him.

NewZimbabwe quoted a close family member as that:

“They (the church leaders) kept massaging the high priest’s body with cloths and washing it with hot water, waiting for his resurrection.”

“The priest’s sons, Noah and Nisbert, were chased away from the palace after their plea for church prophets to announce the death. They instead chased them away, claiming they were no longer in good books with their father.”

At one point, said a relative, the church leadership lied that Mutumwa Taguta had been resurrected.

“After being informed of Mutumwa’s death on Sunday around 8am, we later received news from the palace, around 11 am, that he had risen from death. Since people were not allowed to enter the palace, the leaders who were allowed inside started peddling falsehoods that Taguta had resurrected.”

When they realised that his body was starting to compose, the church leaders then publicly announced his death, NewZimbabwe reported.

“Headman Mafararikwa was given the opportunity to check inside and they realised that Mutumwa’s body was now in inflammation state. The corpse was now decomposing. A coffin was then brought. Had it not been for the cold spell, Mutumwa’s body could have burst.”

Taguta’s body, which was reported to have been under a state of severe decomposition was interred at the chapel’s sacred Chinyamukumba Mountain in Marange, Manicaland Province.

Church prophets allegedly insisted that his body should be kept for another 3 days as they believed he would resurrect.
