Former cabinet ministers and Generation 40 G40 leaders Saviour Kasukuwere and Walter Mzembi has made fun of ZANU PF national spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa after losing powerful post of leading war veterans.

War veterans are a vital cog in the ruling party, whose influence to some extent determine who should be the ZANU PF first secretary, and eventually the national leader.

Cephas Ncube from Bulawayo province was recently elected the new chairperson of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA).

Ncube trounced the outgoing chairperson Christopher Mutsvangwa, outgoing secretary-general Victor Matemadanda and Albert Ncube (Matabeleland North) during an election held at the association’s elective congress at the ZANU PF Convention Centre in Gweru.

Ncube garnered 294 votes, while Cde Albert Ncube was second with 90 votes.

Matemadanda and Mutsvangwa came third and fourth with 75 and 11 votes, respectively. Shorai Nyamangondo was elected vice chairperson unopposed.

Apparently, responding to this development, Mzembi said

“Unelectable. Face of Defeat. Chris Mutsvangwa has popularised Number 11!

“Mutsvangwa asvasvangwa. Loosely translated (Mutsvangwa has been trounced).

Kasukuwere chipped in: “11 years as leader=11 votes! Haibooo.1 Vote Self. 2 Vote Lewinsky. So 9 votes!! Who did this?”

Mutsvangwa’s defeat comes at the time ZANU PF is preparing to host its annual conference where a hint on who is going to replace President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa as the new ZANU PF leader would be exposed.

Mnangagwa is expected to step down at the end of his second term in 2028, though they are rumours that he is working underground to extend his stay in office.

Meanwhile, Mutsvangwa recently exhibited his intentions to replace Mnangagwa by discrediting vice president Constantino Chiwenga questioning his seniority in the ruling party.

Be that as it may, G40 is said to be well rooted in the ruling party in terms of structures, a situation which is reportedly giving Mnangagwa headaches.

On the other hand, Chiwenga is also alleged to be strong in the party backed by the military.

Some believe that the fact that Mnangagwa is trying to working overtime to remain in power, will force a marriage of convenience between Chiwenga and the G40 leaders, a situation which would be hard to handle for Mnangagwa.
