Zanu PF Politburo has ordered reruns in 13 national assembly and three senatorial constituencies following chaotic primary elections held last week.

According to a list released by the party’s Commissariat Department, Mashonaland West Province has the highest number of constituencies (7) ordered to re-conduct the elections.

The constituencies include Norton, where outspoken Mnangagwa adviser, Chris Mutsvangwa, was vanquished by an unknown party member.

Other areas are Chegutu East, Chegutu West, Zvimba North, Zvimba South, Chinhoyi and Makonde.

In Harare, re-runs will be held in Harare South and Glenview South and Hwata senatorial constituency in the women’s quota.

In Mashonaland Central, Shamva North, Shamva South and Mazowe women’s quota constituencies will also conduct re-runs.

Shurugwi and Gutu East are the only constituencies in the Midlands and Masvingo provinces respectively on the list, while Manicaland province has Chipinge Central and Buhera West constituencies.