Former Deputy Information minister Energy Mutodi’s father Johnson Mutodi has died.

He was 92.

Energy Mutodi posted on Twitter that his father had succumbed to complications associated with old age.

“Hon Dr Energy Mutodi’s father Mr Johnson Mutodi is nomore. Mr Johnson Mutodi (92) passed on this morning(zuro) at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

“He died due to complications associated with old age. Mourners are gathered at 4779 Crawhill Views, Borrowdale,” said Mutodi.

Meanwhile, Twitter users including opposition members have consoled Mutodi over the loss of his father.

“Extremely sorry for your loss , Citizen Mutodi . May his soul Rest In Peace,” said CCC Vice President Tendai Biti.

Former Zanu PF legislator for Harare South, Shadreck Mashayamombe had this to say: Nematambudziko Sekuru Mdara wedu atisiya. Nzukwa Musukirwa.

Former tourism minister Walter Mzembi also consoled Mutodi over his loss

“My condolences dear bro. MHDSRIP.”
