The embattled vice president Emmerson D Mnangagwa(EDM) might be now living in ‘the last days of Joice Mujuru in Zanu PF’ given how events have unfolded so far this year.

EDM who has been viewed as the untouchable special-one of Zanu PF has been shaken and tossed around as the race to succeed Robert Mugabe gets uglier.

Succession fights pitting war veterans and other interested parties have left everyone baffled especially outsiders.

In a bizarre twist, low profile Zanu women with questionable reputations, have on more than two occasions stuck their middle fingers at Mnangagwa’s face, right in front of Mugabe, reducing the former from a feared crocodile-like-politician to a vulnerable lame duck.

Sensing danger, Mnangagwa has come out too late, telling the world that he is not a Lacoste Faction leader but a loyal Mugabe disciple caught up in a diabolical G40 succession scheme.

But Mnangagwa’s problems are just beginning if we are to believe what Chimene and company are planning for him.

A Zanu PF source said Mnangagwa’s rivals were already pushing for a special congress this year to push him out.

“The first and important issue will be to ensure all those who have been pushing for the VP agenda go,” a senior Zanu PF official revealed last night.

“Masvingo province will soon pass a vote of no confidence on Provincial Affairs minister Shuvai Ben Mahofa and Psychomotor minister and politburo member Josiah Hungwe.”

“When the province re-calls them, it will be the end of EDM in Masvingo province. The same processes will be repeated in other provinces.

“People like Victor Matemadanda, July Moyo and others who have been holding secret meetings plotting the rise of the VP will be either suspended or expelled from the party,” the source added.

“As the extra ordinary congress nears, executive members from district level to provincial leadership aligned to the VP, will be removed so that only those who are attending are pro-the First family and G40.

“From now to December, there are two critical events that will set the tone for the eventual ouster of the VP.

“These include women’s, youth league and provincial conferences.