Charles Mabhena

Affairs and inappropriate relationships in Mujuru’s party- A former Zimbabwe People First(ZimPF) official has alleged that the Joyce Mujuru led ZimPF collapsed as a result of a well known triangular affair involving very senior members in the party.

“The relationship involves a person in the state anti corruption body and two people in ZimPF,” the official told ZimNews last night.

He said the affairs were one of the many reasons why the party could not stay  united and together.

The officials who deserted Mujuru’s party two months ago says the inappropriate relationships had a lot of effect to party faithfuls who could not stand the flirtings.

Mujuru the former co-vice president and ZANU-Pf  politburo member is embroiled in a political tiff that is threatening to destroy her party that was launched last year amid pomp and hope that it will give ZANU-PF a torrid time in the coming  2018 general elections.

The official whose name has been withheld by ZimNews for safety reasons says Mujuru is a tool used by Robert Mugabe to divide opposition parties in Zimbabwe.

“She is actually a decoy,” he said.

“There is another day we booked a meeting with Mai Mujuru. When we got to her home she was having a meeting with Mugabe and her security guards told me that ZANU-PF officials visit her here and there. The date I cannot remember, but it was in May last year,” added the official.

Mujuru few days ago expelled from ZimPF Rugare Gumbo, Didymus Mutasa, Magret Dongo, Kudakwashe Basikiti, Luckson Kandemiri, Munacho Mutezo and Claudius Makova, whom she labelled as traitors and agents of Mugabe regime who were doing all sorts of tricks to destabilize her party.

Expelling the officials, Mujuru alleged that; “As a result we have decided to eject some members of the colleagues and comrades we thought would stand with the people’s cause but have chosen to be agents of the regime. All sorts of tricks, ranging from coup d’état and sophisticated infiltration, have taken center stage with a view to delaying the people’s cause of unequivocal liberation.

“We assure Zimbabweans that more heads are going to roll in this revolutionary cleansing exercise.

“We remain committed to the democratization of Zimbabwe. We remain committed to a coalition of progressive opposition forces to fight and remove Zanu-PF from office,” reads a press statement signed by the ZimPF leader Mujuru.