President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu PF, whose stone-broke government will not pay civil servants their Christmas salaries and bonuses has procured an expensive fleet of 365 satellite tracked vehicles and buses.

The vehicles will be used for party business in the run up to the eagerly-anticipated 2018 Zimbabwe national elections.

Buses will be used for carrying people to rally points.

45 samples of the vehicles delivered by the supplier under phase one were presented to President Robert Mugabe at the party headquarters in Harare today by Mrs  Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

The vehicles will replace the old fleet that was first used in the disastrous 2008 election that Mugabe lost to Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC.

“The vehicles will be installed with car tracking devices and the party is in the process of opening a garage that will service the vehicles,” said Muchinguri-Kashiri.

Meanwhile, billionaire Mr Obert Mpofu donated 20 000 litres of diesel to Zanu PF for use during the conference in Masvingo this week.