Political parties’ talks to form a grand coalition to gang up against Zanu PF presidential candidate Emmerson Mnangagwa in this year’s polls have reportedly reached an advanced stage with several leaders, among them Joice Mujuru’s National People’s Party(NPP), Dumiso Dabengwa (Zapu), Robert Mugabe and Ambrose Mutinhiri’s National Patriotic Front (NPF) and many more looking for ways to join Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Alliance.

 NPP secretary-general Gift Nyandoro said they would only decide the way forward after the wrangle between Chamisa and his rival Thokozani Khupe over use of MDC-T party symbols has been resolved.

Nyandoro said negotiations with Chamisa would not be difficult as the NPP and the MDC-T already have a memorandum of understanding signed in 2017.

MDC-T spokesperson Tabitha Khumalo, yesterday said their doors were open for like-minded parties that wish to work under Chamisa.

Dabengwa also confirmed efforts were still underway to work on a grand coalition.

“The effort is still there and I think we are trying to remove some of the obstacles that have been hindering progress,” Dabengwa said.

Coalition of Democrats (CODE) leader Elton Mangoma also said his grouping had no problem working with people who shared same views with it.

Spokesperson for the Mugabe backed NFP, Jealous Mawarire, said they were ready to join the Chamisa-led coalition provided it was all-inclusive.

Days ago, Nelson Chamisa was been approached by emissaries  representing former president Robert Mugabe seeking an electoral pact, it has been revealed. According to impeccable sources, National Patriotic Front (NPF) officials led by Eunice Sandi Moyo met Chamisa last Thursday(17th of May) for two hours at his Harare offices where the issue of a possible coalition was raised. Mugabe in March pledged to support the NPF if it was committed to dislodging President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom he said was in power illegally following a coup against him in November last year.