Former ZANU-PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South Killer Zivhu says late former President Robert Mugabe was just a place holder.

Zivhu alleges that the current leaders were the ones calling the shots, hence the continuation of same tactics.

“If sanctions came because of Mugabe’ s leadership, the man is gone now, chavakutadzisa abviswe chii, zvoreva kuti Mugabe hapana chaaitonga zvinhu zvose zvaitwa ne team riripo ikozvino, and they can’t change themselves as usual, kana anga ari Mugabe by now kusisina sanction.

Meanwhile, Zivhu has saluted Citizens Coalition for Change president Nelson Chamisa for playing his political cards so well.

“Chamisa’s two cards for the game, confusion and panic, most people are confused kuti what next, the is panic kune vamwe kuti chinhu chava kuinda, some are demanding congress, some are demanding for a Constitution, beware this two cards are dangerous ndipo pane plan yacho,” he says.
