Mugabe ‘outlines’ succession plan

President Robert Mugabe disappointed succession elements in his party who were expecting him to consider immediate retirement and handover of power to a subordinate.

Speaking ahead of his 93 birthday celebrations, the continent’s oldest head of state made it clear that there is no-one in line to takeover from him.

First, he brushed off calls by EFF leader Mr Julius Malema for him to step down.

Mugabe said: “Who is Malema? The call to step down must come from my party; my party at Congress; my party at Central Committee. (In such circumstances) I will step down”.

It also appears Mugabe is oblivious to the demands of Lacoste and War Vets faction that he must retire and handover to a new boss;
“The majority of the people feel that there is no replacement; (a) successor who to them is acceptable, as acceptable as I am,” here he said the opposite of what Lacoste faction is calling for.

When pressed further on whether a new leader for Zanu PF and possibly Zimbabwe was there in waiting, Mugabe slammed the door on the face of War Vets and their Lacoste faction, telling them, there is no qualified person to takeover from him and he has not even worsted time building and training a successor;

“A successor is groomed by the people. Those around you can get the confidence of the people as they operate around you, and gain the confidence of the people, you see”, he said.

Liberatation War Vets and Lacoste faction members are openly supporting Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to take over from Mugabe

However, Mugabe hinted that a time will come when another person will rise to take over from him, BUT that time only Mugabe knows and the person has not yet been identified.

“Of course if I feel that I can’t do it anymore, I will say so to my party so that they relieve me. But for now I think I can’t say so,” he said