Zimbabwe’s Indigenization minister Patrick Zhuwao has said that he received death threats following his frank remarks about the chances of Emmerson Mnangagwa succeeding Mugabe.

While speaking to reporters last week, Zhuwao made it clear that the vice president’s chequered past would haunt him if he ever thought of becoming Zimbabwe’s next head of state.

He emphasised that there was so much fear mongering and threats coming from Mnangagwa’s side  and his loyalists, mainly liberation war veterans before declaring that  he(Mnangagwa) is unelectable.

This comes at a crucial time when President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF prepares for its crucial annual conference that kicks off in earnest in Masvingo today.

Insiders claimed Zhuwao is a key member of a faction of Young Turks which supports Mugabe’s wife Grace and is strongly opposed to Mnangagwa succeeding the frail looking 92-year-old Zimbabwean leader.