Harare: President Robert Mugabe, the world’s most travelled head of state,  has left Harare for Havana Cuba this Monday evening for the funeral and burial of the late revolutionary Fidel Castro.

The former Cuban leader died at 90 after being his country’s head of state for about 47 years.

Mugabe was seen off at Harare International Airport by his top aides, Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko.

His is travelling with his wife First Lady Doctor Amai Grace.

Zimbabwe and Cuba share close ties that were born during the time of the liberation struggle for Zimbabwe when the Caribean island provided moral, material and military support to people waging the liberation struggle.

Mugabe has been on so many long  international flights this year.

Sometimes attending meetings where he was the only head of state, he has been to meetings where his peers only send their ministers.

This year he shocked Malaysians when he suddenly visited the country while his hosts were not aware of his visit.

According to statements from those who have travelled with the First Family,Mugabe does not succumb to flight related problems as he ‘sleeps like a baby’ throughout  the journey and will only be disturbed by a wake up call when the plane hits the tarmac.

Mugabe leaves behind a shocked nation after his government introduced a controversial currency, bob bond notes, that could see people lose their US$ savings as his desperate government faces accusations of mopping up people’s US dollars to fund foreign transactions including the President’s never ending trips to far places.