Women from the populous suburb of Tshovani in Chiredzi have complained that they are being terrorised by unknown men who are using charm called mubobobo to have sex with them in their sleep.
The women who talked to The Mirror said the situation is so bad that women in a whole street will be complaining.
Many victims are visiting prophets and n’angas in the area in a bid to stop the abuse but the phenomenon may stop just for a short while before the tormentors are back at it again.
The Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA) secretary for Chiredzi District, Jonathan Muusha who is also chairperson of the Chiredzi Residents and Ratepayers Association told The Mirror in an interview that there is an outcry in the city over the use of mubobo on women.
He said the practice is rampant in Chiredzi due to its close proximity to the border with Mozambique and mubobobo practices are rampant in the neighbouring country. Muusha said magical powers are being used to have sex with the women without their consent.
“The women realise that they are having sex with a man but they are not able to see the rapist’s face. They may even see his image as he comes into the house and intercourse can take place even when the woman is sleeping with her husband,” said Muusha.
“We are being raped by men using mubobobo in this suburb. As women we have come to realise that the practice is rampant as many women are complaining whenever we gather in our circles. At times the whole street will be complaining against the practise but we cannot put our finger on the culprit.
“I am a victim. All women in the area where I am staying are facing the same problem and we have tried traditional leaders and prophets for assistance but there is a shot reprieve before the abusers are at it again,” said Manaka Chari.
“This is withcraft but the country’s laws say there is no witchcraft. Mubobobo is bad magic that is used by men who are cowards and are afraid to propose love to women. ZINATHA banned traditional healers from issuing people with this kind of magic” said Muusha.