Former First Lady, Grace Mugabe is facing charges under the chief court for burying Robert Mugabe in the house according to the summons (attached below the article).

Apparently, Jealous Mawarire, who is close to former first family and the goings on says President Emmerson Mnangagwa is seeking to have Mugabe’s remains exhumed and reburied at the Heroes Acre.

In a thread of tweets Mawarire said:

“The Junta occultic comedy around the burial & envisaged exhumation of late Pres Mugabe continues with @edmnangagwa office representative Jeremiah Moyo accompanying a team comprising Borrowdale police, Chief Zvimba rep & a messenger of court to Blue Roof to serve summons to Grace Mugabe, accusing her of ‘improperly’ burying the late RGM in contravention of some dubious chieftainship burial rites claimed by a Zanu-PF DCC member, Tinos Manongovere.

Nick Mangwana cannot now deny Pres ED involvement in the attempts to exhume RGM’s remains given that an official from his office, Jeremiah Moyo, accompanied the team which delivered Manongovere’s summons at Blue Roof.

There is also WhatsApp communication between individuals in the involved team alleging that the whole saga is at the behest of ED.

It is interesting to note that a Zanu-PF DCC member, Tinos Manongovere, purports to have more rights over RGM’s remains more than his eldest son, Robert Jnr, who, ironically, is named after the founding leader of independent Zim. Robert Jnr was besides his father till the end.

Meanwhile, commenting on the same, renowned political analyst Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya says President Mnangagwa and his team are behind the pending case against Grace Mugabe as they seek to rebury Mugabe at the National Heroes Acre.

“We can see that efforts by the regime to rebury Mugabe at the Heroes Acre are in full swing,” he says.

Mugabe who died a bitter man after being toppled by one of his trusted lieutenant (Mnangagwa) reportedly ordered Grace bury him at his rural home.

It is believed that Mugabe didn’t want Mnangagwa to preside over his burial.
