Respected political analyst Alex Magaisa says President Emmerson Mnangagwa has turned the Parliament of Zimbabwe into his mini-central Committee that dances to his tune.

Magaisa says Mnangagwa’s plan is to raze the only serious opposition party to the ground. This includes expelling its MPs from parliament, withdrawing deservedly earned public funding from the opposition party & diverting it to its lackeys while systematically harassing its leaders.

“Zimbabwe’s President Mnangagwa has turned Parliament into ZANU PF’s mini-Central Committee after facilitating the dubious expulsion of 48 MDC Alliance MPs from Parliament.

“While ZANU PF already had numerical advantage, the MDC Alliance MPs were providing critical scrutiny,” says Magaisa.

He adds that the Tendai Biti chaired Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was investigating corruption involving cartels linked to the regime and politically exposed persons. Magaisa says Biti’s Committee had previously exposed corruption in another public program, Command Agriculture, and now it has been silenced.

The analyst says when Mnangagwa eventually calls for by-elections after the recalls, his team will be all over the country, stretching the opposition’s capacity at time when he has starved it of resources.

“He will want to rig those by-elections so that he can pronounce a “rout” of the MDC Alliance not long before 2023,” he says.

Magaisa urges the opposition to plan ahead, before it is too late:

“That’s why the MDC Alliance must plan ahead & not wait for events to unfold. If by-elections come as they ought to, they will be a mini-general election with the majority of seats in MDC strongholds. The urgency of mobilising resources cannot be overstated.”
