President Emmerson Mnangagwa says recalibrating an “entrenched political system to a new administration” takes time as the nation needs a shared vision and consensus on how to move forward.

In an interview with US publication The Wall Street Journal, published online on Friday, President Mnangagwa said the transition was ongoing and Zimbabwe was on the right track.

“It’s not an event, it’s a process to change from one entrenched system to a new administration,” he said. “You need to carry the majority of the nation with you. It’s not possible to just go with a couple of friends and say this is where we are.”

After existing in isolation for the past two decades, Zimbabwe, according to President Mnangagwa, was well on its way to fully integrating into the global family of nations.

President Mnangagwa said he was confident of winning the elections, and would respect results if the opposition MDC-Alliance wins.

“The army is in the barracks,” he said. “If any other party wins, we will support them as they will support me if I win.”

Some Zanu-PF officials have been caught offside suggesting the present government and army will not allow Nelson Chamisa’s MDC-Alliance to rule if they win elections. state media