Acting President Phelekezela Mphoko has come out all guns blazing following the anointing of VP Mnangagwa as ZanuPF ‘s next leader by war veterans.

Addressing a meeting in Lupane,  Mphoko said war veterans are a misguided group that is working against the party implementing a document titled: ‘Blue Ocean Document’ whose thrust is to destroy the party leaders for them to impose Mnangagwa as ZanuPF president.

mnangagwa takes over from mugabe

War Vets’ Statement on Mugabe succession: Next in line to succeed Mugabe from those who took part in the struggle is Mnangagwa. There is nothing sinister about that, it is just a matter of principle, Mnangagwa does not want to take over; he is already in the bus, in a firm position to take over and is under no pressure. It is those that are at the back of the queue who are pushing to take the baton from the one in second place

Mphoko expressed shock at the extent of the rot in the war vets team who have gone on to cause irreparable damage to the character of some senior party leaders, including himself.

He said the notion that the war veterans are the ones who ushered President Mugabe into power is not true as the President’s leadership did not come from war vets.