MISA Zimbabwe has taken the opportunity to congratulate Kindness Paradza on his appointment as the Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.

MISA says Paradza, who is generally referred to as a ‘friend of the media’ by colleagues in the media industry, is among the parliamentarians that vociferously defend media freedom rights.

Widely known as KP, within and outside the media sector, the newly appointed deputy minister is a veteran journalist who is passionate about professional journalism grounded in the profession’s codes and ethics, says MISA.

“A journalist at heart, Paradza, excelled in his defence of media freedom and journalistic rights during his tenure as a member of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.

“This, he amply demonstrated during the ongoing media policy and law reform processes which have seen the enactment of the generally progressive Freedom of Information Act to foster citizens’ right to access to information in line with the Constitution.

“He was also in the forefront in debating and pushing for the positive amendments to the Zimbabwe Media Commission Bill which now awaits enactment by the President.

“MISA Zimbabwe extends its best wishes to Honourable Paradza and looks forward to even more progressive and productive engagements with him as well as with the entire Ministry of Information, in our quest to entrench citizens’ rights to free expression and access to information through a free and unfettered media which is critical in entrenching democracy,” says the media advocacy organisation.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists has also welcomed the appointment of its former President Paradza as the new Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.

ZUJ president Michael Chideme says as a seasoned journalist, Paradza was also a former publisher of Africa Tribune Newspapers, publisher of the then Tribune Newspaper.

Chideme says the Union looks forward to working with Paradza, also the MP for Makonde, on all issues of free journalistic enterprise and freedom of expression that ZUJ espouses so as to have a vibrant media and an informed citizenry that freely participates and contributes to democratic governance and development in the country.

“ZUJ would also like to register its appreciation of the Presidium for its recognition of one more amongst us as Hon Paradza joins a list of fellow journalists that have served in government in recent years such as James Maridadi and Supa Mandiwanzira.

“ZUJ urges Hon Paradza to embrace all journalists in his line of duty and help cement the unity that ZUJ is forging among members to avoid unnecessarily polarizing the media,” adds Chideme.