The government says the Mbuya Nehanda statue which is set to be unveiled by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Africa Day will attract local and foreign tourists.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana says the statue will change the face of Harare and attract tourists from across the globe.

“Mbuya Nehanda’s statue is ready to go up onto the Centre of the City and right at the eye of the footbridge.

“This is going to be a City Centre Star Attraction, something to draw both international and domestic tourists and yet provide a functional way to cross busy roads,” he says.

The statue was reportedly constructed to the tune of more than R3.6 million.

Meanwhile, renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says while honouring fallen heroes a noble, however constructing a multi million dollar statue at the expense of starving Zimbabweans defies logic.

“I received this message minutes ago. You ALL should read it and RETWEET until the Government attends to the plight of Zimbabwean students in Russia who have nothing left to eat! Government can’t build multimillion dollar statues when our compatriots sent out by the government are starving!”

Below is the message he is referring to:

He adds that Mbuya Nehanda herself could be turning in her grave to know that her great-grandchildren are wallowing in poverty, while millions are being spent on her statue.

“Ambuya Nehanda vasvika panzvimbo. I am all for honoring the memory of our heroine, but I wonder how she would feel knowing that all this million dollar stuff is being done when her great grandkids have nothing to eat, no medication in hospitals or even jobs!” he added.
