A raging machete-wielding artisanal miners gang wreaked havoc at Zengeza 2 Shopping Centre in Chitungwiza gruesomely killing one while leaving another battling for life.

The infamous gang mainly known as Mashurugwi reportedly went on a violent rampage at a Zengeza 2 local bar, The Base, and stabbed to death Jonathan Rukweza, 26, who died instantly while one identified as T-one is battling for life at a local hospital.

H-Metro spoke to Mbuya Rukweza, the grandmother of the deceased Jonathan, who said she is yet to come to terms with the death of her grandson who had been taking care of her.

“Jonathan’s friends came around 4am and banged my door to tell me that he had been stabbed.

“I then rushed to the scene only to find him laying dead and I just fell on him crying because they had told me he was just injured.

“Kundidedzera munhu atove chando kare havo,” she sobbed.

One of Jonathan’s neighbours who preferred anonymity said the fight started after one of the revellers was accused of flirting with a Mashurugwi woman.

“Jonathan worked as a security guard at the night club and was just trying to break up a fight which involved one of his friends.

“They stabbed him thrice; on his back, chest and right shoulder whilst he tried to run for his life,” said the neighbour.

One Zengeza 2 resident said the Mashurugwi gang had invaded their community and are fearing for their lives.H-Metro