There has been an outcry on social media after the crisis-ridden Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) told polling agents at a training workshop in Kwekwe that they should not carry phones, torches or pens and papers into polling stations, on the pretext that this move would distract them from posting premature and fake results on the internet
Heal Zimbabwe made the revelations on Twitter, saying:
Breaking: @ZECzim today announced during a training of Polling Agents in #KwekweCentral that all polling agents must not carry a phone, torch or pen & paper into the polling station on the day of the by-election. @rashidmahiya1@ercafrica

Furious internet users  described the latest move by the electoral governing body as unconstitutional’, with a greater majority calling on the opposition to seek the legal discourse by taking the matter to the courts.
Posted a user:
What does the law say? CCC should be proactive and seek legal counsel and take it to courts immediately and on a URGENT BASIS!!
Zec has often been accused of doctoring voter records in the pursuit of skewing electoral results in the favour of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF.