War Veterans leader Chris Mutsvangwa is a happy man after Zimbabwe government publicly discarded his nemesis, Mandi Chimene and her G40 group.

The Minister for the Welfare Services for War Veterans Mr Tshinga Dube said government neither recognises nor supports a war veterans splinter group led by Manicaland Minister of State, Mandi Chimene.
He said his ministry will continue working with war veterans’ structures that were there before the expulsion of Mutsvangwa, adding that his ministry does not recognise the outcomes of the meeting that was organised by the splinter group led by Chimene as his ministry was not formally invited to the meeting which he also said was sponsored by ‘dirty money stolen by G40 leaders.’

Dube said Mutsvangwa and the other five executive members who were expelled from Zanu PF were still members of the war veterans association although they had pending issues with the party and the courts.

For the past month there seem to be coordinated effort to dismantle the G40 formation after it’s matron, Grace Mugabe, switched sides and decided to work with a rival faction, Team Lacoste,  led by Vice President Emmerson D Mnangagwa