Fungayi Moyana

In an incident that had the whole of Zaka Growth Point talking, a man could not hold back his lustful desires and raped a 14 year old girl in the bush in front of her young brother.

Peter Chamoko, a 28 year old man from Harava Village under Chief Nyakunhuwa in Zaka raped a minor in the bush on her way from church.

It is alleged that sometime in April, Chamoko approached the girl proposing love to the minor but was denied.

Chamoko  then hid in the bush waiting for the girl to come from the church, upon realizing that the  girl was accompanied by her brother the accused stormed out of the bush slapped the younger brother with a couple of claps and he fled from the scene.

Realizing that the girl was alone, he dragged her into an isolated bush, ripped her pants and raped her twice without protection.

The younger brother was nearby and tried to look for her sister, he got the shock of his life when he caught Chamoko red handed on top of his sister.

He tried to fight him but it was fruitless.

The young brother ran back to church to get some backup but when he arrived with other church members, they only found the girl bloodied and crying in the bush.

The matter was reported to the police leading to Chamoko’s arrest.

Chamoko pleaded not guilty but was convicted by Chiredzi Regional Magistrate Judith Zuyu because of compelling evidence against him.

The accused was slapped with 16 years in prison and 3 years were suspended for 5 years leaving him with 13 years prison time.