Two brothers have been convicted of murder after they killed another man following a misunderstanding involving their sister.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Handsome Bhepe and Langton Mbenge from Chief Malisa in Silobela where found guilty of murder and sentenced to twenty years in jail each.

The court heard that on 1 July 2022, the accused persons and the now deceased were drinking beer together at Mbenge tuck shops when a misunderstanding arose which later ended fatal.

Meanwhile in other news, former ZANU PF legislator and central committee member Dexter Nduna who appeared before Chegutu magistrate’s court on fraud charges relating to collection of parking fees through misrepresentation has been denied bail.

He will appear in court on 29 October.

Nduna who is accused for misrepresenting to two motorists that he was collecting parking fees on behalf of municipality of Chegutu.

The former Chegutu West Member of Parliament recently made headlines for the wrong reasons when he faked graduation.
