Tinashe Zisengwe

A Marondera man who was tipped that his wife is cheating was recently taught how to keep sources confidential the hard way after losing his teeth to a friend.

Norest Makarichi who resides in the same estate with Talent Makina was approached by the latter who told him that his wife Dorcas Mutambirwa was cheating with one Paradzayi Chigwedere.

As fate would have it  Makarichi then confronted his wife over the matter which she vehemently denied.

Dorcas then went on to attack Makina for letting the cat out of the sack.

This did not go well with Makina who then approached Makarichi demanding to know why he had told his wife that he is the one who tipped him over her infidelity.

Whilst in the midst of talking Makina started bashing Makarichi with clenched fist once on the mouth resulting in him sustaining a swollen lower lip and shaking teeth.

A medical report was produced before Magistrate Jabulani Mzinyathi who ordered him to pay $ 150 fine.