The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is investigating a murder case in which a 21-year-old man was shot dead by an unknown suspect in Filabusi.

The incident happened on 25/12/23 at around 0130 hours.

The suspect and the victim, who were playing snooker at a certain night club, had an argument after the victim noted that his token was missing.

The suspect went to his vehicle, a Toyota Fun Cargo, which was parked outside and came back with an unidentified pistol. He shot the victim once on the head and drove off.

Meanwhile, in other news, the ZRP has taken note of a viral social media video, especially on Whatsapp platforms where minors (young boys) are openly seen drinking beer in a public place in Harare CBD.

Police say investigations are now underway with a view of identifying the place, the young boys, their parents and the person who might have facilitated the acquisition of the alcohol by the minors.
