Mai Titi, real name Felistas Murata yesterday told H-Metro that she clashed with Leo Brown, the man behind her trip to Tanzania, over sexual abuse she underwent during her stay there.

She pulled out of the film and expressed her dissatisfaction describing the rest of her stay at Dar-es-Salaam as similar to  ‘Big Brother’ reality show.

“Leo Brown is a criminal, an opportunist and chancer who wanted to use celebrities to hype his career I want to believe will never take him to his desired results,” said Mai Titi.

“I have messages between me and Brown to prove that I was the one who decided to pull out of the film mainly because of serious sexual abuse he wanted me to go under Awilo(pictured) who was ever under the influence of drugs (sic).

“I could not give in and on the 17th of April I cried for help as Awilo harassed me sexually and the other ladies came to understand why I had tendered my decision to pull out on the 13th of April.

“For Leo to post on social media that I am unprofessional when he is the one who human trafficked female celebrities for sexual abuse is unfair.

“He promised me to hold some shows which he never fulfilled only to demand US$10 000 from me to be able to record a collaboration song with Awilo.

“At first he wanted US$30 000 for a collaboration with Sean Paul and I denied.

“He spent the better part of our stay demanding money for collaborations with Awilo Longomba.

“To say we were at a hotel is false but we were staying at a villa where we lived like in a hostel or the same as the Big Brother to say the least.

“I had to look for alternative food since we were subjected to take sadza, rice and beans every day.

“I lost my hard earned money in Dar-es-Salaam under the hands of Leo Brown only to be paid by false allegations that he is the one who pulled me out of the film for unprofessionalism.

“I am a woman, who stands for women’s rights with two children and my parents to look after not to be abused for fame in a foreign land,” said Mai Titi.


Mai Tt in Tanzania

She phoned one of the Tanzanian celebrities only identified as Barbra in the presence of H-Metro lenses and the woman confirmed that Mai Titi pulled out of the film over sexual harassment and abuse.

Mai Titi was responding to a social media post by BJB Films revealing that her departure and subsequent replacement in the film by another female artiste was due to her lack of professionalism on and off set.

“It’s sad to announce that we had to terminate Mai TT’s role and replaced her with Angel Mary Kato due to lack of professionalism on set and whilst living and working with other celebrities as well as crew.

“We love Zimbabweans that’s (why) we picked someone from Zim but unfortunately we could not continue with her,” read part of the BJB Films statement.

However, Mai TT hit back at BJB’s unprofessionalism.

“I was shocked to see the post describing me as unprofessional when Awilo Longomba himself is the one who is unprofessional and trying to abuse celebrities,” said Mai Titi.

“He was supposed to be honest by telling people that I am the one who pulled off over being holed at a hotel in Dar es Salaam for three months without money.

“I ended up footing my own bills as they failed to meet the costs.

“I could not continue losing more for fame when I really knew that I made it long back in my mother country, Zimbabwe.

“I refused to be used considering that I am a mother of three children who depend on me.

“I could not stay and rely on promises he kept giving me when I know for sure that being in my mother country I could make more in three months as well as providing love and food for my children.

“This guy never carried anything meaningful but is ever starting and I discovered that he has no sponsors but engaging celebrities in a way to lure potential sponsors.

“He took his time enquiring from me about potential sponsors that he could engage in Zimbabwe and that opened my eyes about his motive.

“I regret my time I lost waiting for the shooting of a film I want to believe the participants will live to regret for acting for a song as the name depicts,” said Mai Titi.


Mai Titi left many impatiently waiting for the release of the film when she was in Dar es Salaam and decided to remain silent about the trip upon her return.

“It affected my budget, my time and love with my children that is why I came and remained silent about it.

“It is unfortunate for them to clear their mess by posting falsehoods about my participation in the film,” said Mai Titi.

She said she had decided to keep quiet about the sexual abuse, but was forced to respond by BJB Films’ press release that accused her of unprofessionalism.


source: hmetro