Two women associated with a religious sect led by Ishmael Chokurongerwa, a figure mired in controversy, found themselves in court on Thursday, facing charges related to trafficking.

Danai Tigere, aged 56, and Veronica Chitanda, aged 40, members of the apostolic group, appeared before Harare magistrate Donald Ndirowei, accused of harboring nine females believed to be crucial witnesses in a recent case that resulted in their leader’s imprisonment.

The court session saw no plea from the accused, and they were each granted bail set at US$50.

The following day, they returned to court for a bail application related to another case.

According to State prosecutor Anesu Chirenje, the events leading to these charges unfolded in March. Chokurongerwa and seven others were apprehended for violating the Burial and Cremation Act and the Children’s Act at a location in Nyabira.

Later, authorities received intelligence indicating that Tigere and Chitanda were sheltering individuals suspected to be connected to Chokurongerwa’s sect at a residence in Mufakose, Harare.

A police raid conducted on Tigere’s property on March 29 led to the rescue of nine individuals, including two minors, who were allegedly being kept there. The defendants reportedly failed to provide a satisfactory explanation for their actions when questioned by authorities.